Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Eve Bunting

It's Eve Bunting's birthday today!

Why not check out one of her titles? 
All of the below listed titles are available at Little Dixie Regional Libraries.

Summary: With the help of her grandfather, a little girl makes a house for a larva and watches it develop before setting it free, and every summer after that butterflies come to visit her.

Summary: Davey is dubious about having a new adopted brother from Korea, but when he finds out that his parents still love him, he decides that having a baby brother will be fine.

Summary: A raccoon and his friends go to great lengths to make sure they will always have a library from which to borrow books.

Summary: Billy is disappointed when his father doesn't show up to help him catch a frog for the frog-jumping competition at school, but the one he and his mother catch wins the championship and Billy begins to accept his father's absence.

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