Crafting Ideas
-- “Crafting Cross Stitch Cards” by Sue Cook (2007)
-- “Crafty Superstar: make crafts on the side, earn extra cash and basically have it all” by Grace Dobush (2009) Your go-to resource for selling your craft goods part-time, full of ideas for setting up and selling out.
-- “P.Allen Smith’s living in the Garden Home: Connecting the Seasons with Containers, Crafts, and Celebrations” by P.Allen Smith (2007) For P. Allen Smith, gardening is all about the anticipation of a new season, the wonderful satisfaction that comes with digging and planting, building supports and structures, selecting plants and deciding how to arrange them.
-- “American Indian Crafts Kids Can Do!” by Carol Gnojewski (2006)
-- “Relax to the Max: 60 candles, scents, soaps & potpourri crafts to create your own bliss” by Marie Browning (2005)
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